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How to Create your own mobile themes


You may create themes for your nokia s60 phones in three ways.

ONLINE-THEME MAKING: You can create your own themes by using online theme-making service of The site has loads of advanced features. The theme-making task is very easy, though it requires a bit more time.

In order to create themes on your pc, you'll need any theme making software. There are two known popular theme makers for me. They are S60 THEME STUDIO and CARBIDE THEME CREATOR. You might find it difficult to create themes at first. But once you start using them, you'll feel it easy.

THEME-MAKING ON MOBILE: It's possible to create themes on your mobile phones. You may use TBUILDER for creating themes. In order to run the app, you'll require PYTHON to be installed on your phone. Obviously creating themes on mobile has limitations

-written by sir dymz

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